Enhance With


With the “SuTP Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Product Design & Development Services” Project, asylum seekers under temporary protection and local entrepreneurs are developing.

Enhance With


With the “SuTP Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Product Design & Development Services” Project, asylum seekers under temporary protection and local entrepreneurs are developing.


About the Project

With the “SuTP Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Product Design & Development Services” Project, asylum seekers under temporary protection and local entrepreneurs are developing.

T.R. “SuTP Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Product Design and Development Services” project is carried out by Gazi University under the coordination of Ankara Development Agency within the scope of ENHANCER Project – Common Use Facilities Grant Program carried out by ICMPD in cooperation with the General Directorate of Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

The project focuses on the machinery, equipment and metal production (MAM) sector, which is one of the most developed sectors in Ankara and provides job and employment opportunities to SuTP and LHC entrepreneurs. A shared use facility will be established for both SuTPs and LHCs to support entrepreneurial development through free product design and modelling, prototyping, entrepreneurship and capacity building services and networking in the metal fabrication sector. The general purpose of the project; To create a joint use facility, entrepreneurship, industrial design and 3D modeling center (3D-CEN) in the metal manufacturing sector through industry-academy cooperation.

Within the scope of the project, the technical capacities and entrepreneurial skills of Syrians under temporary protection and Turkish citizens for the metal manufacturing sector and prototyping will be increased. Turkish Industry will be brought together with the target audience of the project. Within the scope of the project, 4 Idea Development Workshops, 4 TR and EU Funded Financing Opportunities Training, 6 meetings for the establishment of the Entrepreneurship Club, 4 E-commerce trainings, 4 Digital Marketing Trainings, 4 Export Trainings, 1 Trade Fair, 1 Entrepreneurship Conference, 3 Outdoors Event, 2 Digital Workshops, 2 Web Seminars will be given. In addition, consultancy services will be provided on intellectual property rights, job creation process and procedures and Internationalization, branding and export issues. Project results will be realized as 3 face-to-face meetings and 3 Webinars with stakeholders. A well-attended closing panel will also be held at the end of the project.

Project Goals

In general, it is to contribute to the improvement of the entrepreneurial ecosystem for SuTPs and local entrepreneurs in the machinery, equipment and metal fabrication sector.

Overall, strongly associated with the global objective of the call is to contribute to the improvement of the entrepreneurial ecosystem for SuTPs and LHCs entrepreneurs in the machinery, equipment, metal fabrication sector.

Specifically, it is to create a shared use center that can work with SuTPs and LHCs to provide entrepreneurship, industrial product design, 3D modeling and 3D prototype printing services.

In addition, it will significantly contribute to entrepreneurs through training, coaching and consulting services that are critical to business creation and scaling. These services will be involved in the areas of intellectual property related to idea generation, job creation and financing procedures.

In this context, SuTP and LHC will increase the export capacity and network by improving the skills and connections of entrepreneurs with market actors. Capacity building trainings in export and consultancy services on e-commerce, digital marketing, branding, internationalization and export will contribute to the export capacity of entrepreneurs.

Gazi University (GU) has 3D modeling and 3D printing laboratories, a local common use facility serving students and academics. This lab will be upgraded and will be an essential part of the product design and development service in 3D modeling for SuTPs and LHCs. Thus, the project will develop technical and institutional capacity in this regard.

Project Partners

The applicant of the project is Gazi University and the co-applicant is Ankara Chamber of Industry (ASO). Among the project partners are seven organized industrial zones and an NGO from Ankara.

The project includes an applicant, a co-applicant and eight partners.

The applicant of the project is Gazi University (GU).

It has several faculties, including engineering, technology, and education. Gazi University has a career management center and an alumni relations office that are critical for reaching current and past students who want to start their own business. It also has close relations with entrepreneurship ecosystem actors such as Gazi University, chambers, organized industrial zones, universities and related public institutions. He implemented EU projects on entrepreneurship, product design, 3D development and 3D printing. With its academic expertise, EU project experience and strong network in Ankara, Gazi University has strong technical and management capacity and covers the required expertise.

The co-applicant is Ankara Chamber of Industry (ASO).

Ankara Chamber of Industry, which is the center of the manufacturing industry with 5870 member manufacturers throughout Ankara. It also has two organized industrial zones in Ankara and has a strong network with industry chambers and critical production actors across Turkey. Ankara Chamber of Industry has strong technical and management capacity to create a common use center in the metal manufacturing sector.

Among the project partners are seven organized industrial zones and an NGO from Ankara.

OSTİM Organized Industrial Zone (OSTİM)

Ankara Chamber of Industry 1st Organized Industrial Zone (ASO-1)

Ankara Chamber of Industry 2nd and 3rd Organized Industrial Zone (ASO-2)

Ankara İvedik Organized Industrial Zone (IVO)

Anatolian Organized Industrial Zone (ANO)

Capital Organized Industrial Zone (BAO)

Ankara Aerospace and Aviation Organized Industrial Zone (UHO).

These are the heart of the local manufacturing sector, which will facilitate our access to SuTPs and LHC-owned SMEs and contribute strongly to the project’s networking and dissemination efforts.

The final partner is the Middle East Businessmen’s Association (OTID), a Syrian business association that will contribute to the project’s outreach, networking and dissemination efforts to SuTP entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Added Values

3D Modeling The first joint use facility will be established in Ankara to contribute to entrepreneurship, employment and social cohesion of SuTPs and LHCs.

First, the project will be innovative as well as the first joint use facility to be established in Ankara to contribute to entrepreneurship, employment and social cohesion of 3D Modeling SuTPs and LHCs. 3D Modeling will contribute to the development of innovative products in the machinery, equipment and metal industries.

Secondly, the project will contribute to the academy-industry cooperation in Ankara. A state university, a chamber of industry, 7 organized industrial zones, an NGO and SMEs will encourage public and private partnerships in Ankara to cooperate to develop entrepreneurship, B2B network and export capacity in line with government policies.

Third, 3D Modeling will be the best practice model for replication for other local communities, universities, industrial zones, rooms.

Fourth, the project will positively impact the Turkish economy with new businesses and business scaling.

Fifth, it will contribute to the future careers of the participant trainees by providing certificates approved by Gazi University after the project training.

Sixth, the project will create synergies for the consortium to pursue SuTPs inclusive initiatives in Ankara.

Finally, the project will increase visibility and support for the EU among entrepreneurs in Ankara and Turkey and will contribute to Turkey’s economic and social integration into the EU.


TrainingsWorkshopsWebinarsConferencesFair Trade

Follow closely all the activities that will take place throughout the project and take advantage of various opportunities. Check out the project calendar now to not miss idea workshops, various entrepreneurship trainings, entrepreneurship club meetings, webinars, outdoor events and trade fair.


Take advantage of the technological 3D-CEN Laboratory established within the scope of the project.

  • 3D Modeling
  • Prototyping Facilities

  • Technical Consulting
  • Industrial Design Education

3D-CEN was established to provide services such as 3D modeling, prototyping, training services, workshop coaching, consultancy. 3D-CEN is located in Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Industrial Design Engineering. 3D-CEN is equipped with desktop computers for education, CAD and prototyping software, 3D printers, ergonomic furniture and smart board. There are permanent staff working in the 3D-CEN laboratory.


Examine the platforms established in line with the objectives of the project.

Online Services

Get expert support for product design, modeling and prototyping. Get advice on intellectual property rights, business creation process and procedures, internationalization, branding and export.

B2B Network

Sign up for the Business to Business (B2B) network and share your experience in the machinery, equipment and metal fabrication industry for business to business marketing, collaborative problem solving, experience sharing and penetrating domestic and international markets. (Coming Soon)

Intercompany Platform

If you are a local entrepreneur or SuTP entrepreneur in the metal fabrication sector, register on the platform. The purpose of the platform is to contribute to inclusive cooperation between small businesses. (Coming Soon)

Join the Entrepreneurship Club

If you are a new candidate for the entrepreneurship world, looking for a breath of fresh air, new ideas and co-operation opportunities, the Entrepreneurship Club Digital Network is the perfect place for you! This exciting digital platform offers co-operation, knowledge sharing and training opportunities for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, making it easier for you to step into the business world.

By registering to the forum, you can exchange ideas with successful businessmen, academics and industry professionals in various fields such as Enhancer project, Education/Personal Development, Product Design, Business Idea, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, General Entrepreneurship Topics and Finance, and develop your business ideas and move towards success.

Get Entrepreneurship Services

Get online or face-to-face support from experts for product design, modelling and prototyping. Also get free consultancy support from professionals on intellectual property rights, business creation process and procedures, internationalisation, branding and export.

With Workshops

Trigger Your CreativityDevelop an IdeaRealize Your Potential

Within the scope of the project, idea development workshops will be held in an interactive environment. The aim of this study is to strengthen the foundations of ideas by providing a suitable environment for entrepreneurs who want to develop business ideas.

Idea Development Workshops (Completed)

Workshops will be organized to facilitate the development of ideas in an interactive environment. Thanks to these workshops, SuTP and local entrepreneurs who need to develop business ideas will take their first steps. The workshops will facilitate discussions about first thoughts, their transformation into ideas, and collective inquiry about the validity of the assumptions behind the ideas. Participants will be able to generate, develop and communicate abstract, concrete or visual ideas during the workshops.

Total Participants 80 People
4 Workshops for each 20 People
January – April 2023


Get to know the project coordinator, project assistant and communication specialist who will be on duty throughout the project.


Get to know the experts who will be on duty throughout the duration of the project.


Gazi University Computer Engineering Assoc. Dr. Murat DÖRTERLER will be responsible for the entrepreneurship clubs, intercompany platform and B2B network and events throughout the project.

Assoc. Dr. Murat Dörtlerler


A name with high field experience, Dr. from Gazi University Industrial Design Engineering. Harun GÖKÇE will provide product design, development and prototyping services at 3D-CEN throughout the project.

Assoc. Dr. Harun Gökçe


Res. from Gazi University Industrial Design Engineering, who is competent in the field of product design. See. Neslihan TOP will provide product design, development and prototyping services at 3D-CEN throughout the project.

Res. Assistant Neslihan Top

Financial Opportunities Education

Participate in TR and EU Funded Finance training, which will take place 4 times in May and June 2023.

If you are an entrepreneur or want to become an entrepreneur in the future, it will be beneficial for you to have information about how to raise funds for your dreams. The total quota of this training is 100 people. 60 of the participants will be SuTP and 40 will be local entrepreneurs.

E-Commerce Training

Participate in the E-Commerce training, which is planned to take place 4 times in June and July 2023.

Market research, planning and advertising are required for the e-commerce business. Learn the basics of e-commerce, the finer points of various e-commerce tools and platforms. The total quota is 100 people. 60 of the participants will be SuTP and 40 will be local entrepreneurs.

Digital Market Education

Participate in the Digital Market training, which is planned to take place 4 times in May and June 2023.

With the rapid change in technology, today’s markets have also moved to the digital environment and have become much more complex than physical markets. If you want to experience the intricacies of digital markets as an aspiring entrepreneur, join this training.
The total quota is 100 people. 60 of the participants will be SuTP and 40 will be local entrepreneurs.

Export Training

Participate in the Export training, which is planned to take place 4 times in June and July 2023.

Export is among the goals of the vast majority of entrepreneurs. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, knowing how to open up to the world can take you one step further. Participate in export training and reveal your potential. The total quota is 100 people. 60 of the participants will be SuTP and 40 will be local entrepreneurs.

Send Us a Message

Fast Communication

E-mail                                             enhancer@gazi.edu.tr

Web Site                                       https://enhancer.gazi.edu.tr/

Web Site                                       https://enhancewithgazi.org/

Phone                                            +90 312 202 8634

Post Adress                                 G.Ü Teknoloji Fakültesi Endüstriyel Tasarım Müh. Böl. Emniyet Mahallesi Bandırma Caddesi No 6/19 06560 Yenimahalle – ANKARA

Our location is in Gazi University Central Campus. Our office, located in the center of Ankara, is located on the  Municipal Buses, Private Public Buses, Dolmus and Ankaray routes.

Project Calendar

See all the activities that will take place during the project and stay in touch.